99 Raj Homoeo Clinic

On my honor I swear that I
shall practice the teaching of
Homoeopathy. Perform my
duties as a physician.
Render justice to my patients.
Help the sick, whoever come to me for treatment
May the teaching of Master
Hanmemann inspire me.
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Primarily deals with Therapy or healing, needs no Introduction. It is an inclusive therapy which aims at total well-being by increasing a person's immunity and helps them to fight disease from within.

Homoeopathy is different from other systems since it uses drug substances which will give rise to similar (not same) set of symptoms in healthy persons. This is the natural law called Similia similibus curantar, (likes cures likes) (Read more). They are potentized or rubbed vigorously to bring out their hidden energies but very less original substance can be traced in it.

Sir John Weir, G.C.V.O., says, "Homoeopathy takes into account the individual, with its reactions to environment, physical, mental and moral; his deviations from the normal and specially from his own normal, due to sickness. We are no longer dealing with diseased organs but a sick person."

When it comes to Health care Homoeopathy is grossly underutilized since, "It has never occurred to us that the very mode of reasoning which is applied in comparing Homoeopathy and Allopathy is not helping." Homoeopathy should become first choice for all complaints and if not helping specialist in that area should be seen according to Homoeopath's advice.

'Homoeos' is a latin word meaning similar 'Pathos' is to the disease.